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About me

I am a 2D and 3D artist who is a graduate of the video game design program at Brown College.



Photoshop, 3DS Max, Crazy Bump, Mudbox, Sketchbook Pro, UDK, Unity, Flash, C# / Mono-develop, Traditional pencil/ink illustrations, story boards, character development, story lines, board games, concept art, digital music, sound effects

Additional: Ensoniq ESQ1, Roland Sound Canvas, Korg M1, Korg Symphony, Studio Mixers & Microphones



Game Art Exhibit at Tomodachi in Roseville, MN May 2013

Crypticon Interactive Exhibit, Bloomington, MN September 2013

Game Design Portfolio Show October 2013

Brown College Portfolio Show September 2013


People’s Choice and Professional Award Kayak Adventures, May 2013

People’s Choice award for The Fast and The Froggiest, June 2013

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